Landscape Design

We design for and with people not for designers.

We have extensive experience in design, documentation, procurement and construction observation of all types of projects.

We design collaboratively and create ‘places’ that are transformational.

We use our knowledge and experience in design coupled with the latest design tech including building information modelling, artificial intelligence, and augmented and virtual reality.

Kia timata tatou

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Please note: The below are a series of personal or approved third-party images of either work completed during former employment or current blac projects.


Opunake Beach Masterplan I Hawera Town Centre Strategy + Hawera Revitilisation Projects I Feilding Town Centre Strategy, Makino Precint + Greenspine I  Victoria University School of Biological Sciences Landscape I Manawatu Community Planning I Foxton: Holbein Reserve Masterplan, Pump Track, Growth Area Masterplanning, Main Street upgrade + Te Awahau + Piriharakeke Riverside Park Redevelopment I Levin Town Centre Strategy + Queen Street Framwork I  Paraparaumu and Waikanae Town Centre Strategy + Paraparaumu and Waikanae Revitilisation Projects - Kapiti Lights + Mahara Place I One Market Lane Streetscape, Wellington I Kairangi Housing Development, Wellington I Riverlink Masterplanning and Landscape Architecture, Lower Hutt  I Masterton Town Centre Strategy + Masterton Revitalisation Projects -  Main Street, Park Street + Bruce Street I Presbyterian support services - Agecare developments I Paihiatua Main Street Concept Design I Lets Get Wellington Moving + Basin Reserve Optioneering  I Waitarere Beach Park Master Plan I Tokoroa Village Design Guide  I Te Atiawa Taranaki Housing Development Masterplans and Landscape Design  I He Ahi Eco-Industrial Park - 45ha 60+ Lot Subdivsion Masterplan and Landscape Design I Prospective Clean Fill Development - Landscape Planning Input I Williams Corporation - 35 unit Development - Lower Hutt I 25 unit Development - Tauranaga I 8 unit Development - Christchurch I 45 lot Subdivsion Development - Otaki  I Opunake - Road Closure/ Town Centre Public Space I Eltham - Laneway Public Space I Waverley - Laneway Public Space I Waitara Skate Park Concept Design (with J Stone Skateparks) I 100 unit Development Masterplan, Lower Hutt I Levin Adventure Park Masterplan I High Street Apartments - 1st Floor Courtyard Landscape Design, Lower Hutt I Medical Centre - Hobsonville I Papakainga Development - Whanganui I Papakainga Development - Whakatane I Paekakariki Surf Club I 97 Unit Development - Stratford I 5 Townhouse Development - Christchurch I Waverley Town Belt - Pathway + Environmental Improvements